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my bes friend is goin out with my ex.

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b4 me n my ex we were goin out we were bes friends. so he calls me sometimes to jus talk. the other night he called n told me dat he asked out my bes friend gloria n she sed yes. i was shocked b cuz knowing gloria she hates n always talk shit bout my him. so i called my other bes friend to c if he was telling the truth. she denied it at first n den she admitited after 20 minutes of talking. right after she hanged up i wus really upset b cuz i still care n love my ex. n gloria knew that. should i b madd wit her?

or should i jus let it go since me n him did brake up ?

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Im so sorry to hear about this. I know what your feeling, I really do. Me and my ex broke up about 3 months ago and I am still so in love with him. About a week ago he kissed my bestfriend, and i havent talked to her since. i know how it is for everyone to be telling you to get over him and "hes not yours any more" and it sucks. I wish I new what to tell you, but tell her that you dont approve of it, and that you will be here for her if she needs you, but not if it means you getting hurt because of her actions. That may not be the right thing to do but thats what I did and i dont regret it. Email me if you need anymore help

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