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Trying to find tips on getting back together from this site?

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ill give you some advice....but first know that your probably going to send yourself into a world of hurt.


you can try getting the ex back but its not easy and its gonna take a lot and you will prob end up hurting more (w/ the small chance of being happy in the end)


or you could just walk away now with your head high and keep in mind everything you learned and apply that to your next relationship...one that wont have this baggage.


your call....but think about it before you decide...shouldnt be a quick decision

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Check out the "Getting back together" articles sectiont that mjctraider pointed out, there is a lot of stuff int here that might help you out. One thing though, depending on the reasons for your breaking up, it may be very unlikely that you will get back together with your ex so please prepare yourself.


You can also post in the forums, everyone here will be more than willing to help and guide you in any way they can.

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