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How to make a romantic kiss...

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If anyone can help me with this...i really love this girl, but something happened along time ago that made her a little overprotective of herself (and it's not wut your thinkin about) but i want to tell her that i would never do anything to her that she wouldn't like, so i thought of a romantic kiss. One problem...how does a romantic kiss go??? If anyone could help me with this, oh man tat would help...seeya!

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I am pleased to hear that you are so much in love with this young woman. I understand that you have questions about giving a romantic kiss.


I have moved your topic in the forum 'Kissing'. I recognized that there has been so much said in this forum and I think that this will help you on your way.

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  • 1 month later...

Hm...unflown bird, I see your situation, and have come to answer your question. Well, first off, one person's definition of a "romantic kiss" might be different from another person's. So, considering the factors of your dilema, the first step is, be sure you're alone. If not utterly alone, then, well...where you are unseen. Second, if you haven't kissed her before, ask. How, just simply say these words, and I quote, "Can I kiss you?" if she says yes, then grasp her hand, or something like that. If not already done, make eye contact, and if she is the one who is causing this not to happen, then lift her chin and just kiss her gently. Note is the key word here. But, on the other hand, if she says no, then wait a while, a few days or something, and during that time, make sure to get the point accross that you really dig her. Hm, and I guess, reapeat aformentioned things. But, don't force it upon her. If she wants to kiss you, she will, and she probably will. Eiather way, yeah.

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