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strange feeling, please help me?

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i have been going through alot of things lately, was suppose to be kicked out of my house like a month ago for stuff i did, sex, drinking, parties, coming home late and i can go on for ever with the list, i come from a very religious backgroundm that is why i am having some problems at home while doing those acts, my dad has not been very happy with me, he finally kicked me out last nite, the thing is that i do not feel stressed at all? why?i am suppose to be really stressed and depressed, intead i feel really really TIRED and depressed, is this normal? is it because i have been hurt and stressed so many times now that i cant even feel it any more? what is it please help? i am so lost, any help is appreciated

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IT could be shock, and denial. It could be that you are just looking for instant gratification right now(partying all the time). You are also just rebelling right now due to your strict background. Maybe you should take a good look at your life, and prioritize what is really important to you. Not just what is making you happy now. Your family is who will always be there for you, so don't shut them out just yet.

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Hey bilal,


I think to every form of stress there is a point where both your mind and your body will say: enough already, let's go in a stand-by.


I have been under a lot of stress lately, and I am only tired. So, for that part, I really think it's normal. I wondered if I was like really ill or something, but I realized that I am just in need of a long overdue break.


As for your situation: where are you staying now? Do you have somewhere to sleep? Friends?


I understand a religious background can be really difficult to deal with. You are 20 years now, and have reached the age that you really start to take your own views on things. Your parents will in the end need to accept that you have the right to choose your own way. My parents are very very christian, and I have felt like such a loser and so guilty when I started to develop different views on things. It's a lot of pressure when you have the feeling your opinion is of little matter, especially when it comes to religion and the whole set of beliefs that it usually entails.


You need to take things step by step now. Don't expect your life to get better in one day. I'd advise you to make a list of the things you want in life, what's most necessary now and what is possible under the circumstances.


For instance, maybe you like to live on your own. It takes a lot of money to pay the bills. So first you will need a job and put a lot of effort into it. Find something that enables you to take more care of yourself. For now, it's most important that you have a place to stay, and learn to live responsible on your own two feet. You can do that, we all learned to walk before we could run. Just take things step by step.



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you can pull yourself out of this. i agree, try to look at your life long and hard and realize what you need to do to feel good about yourself again. then work on that. it may take some time and work, but you can do it! and it'll be worth it. learn from your mistakes. and please be careful with the sex, drugs and alcohol. these can all be bad for you and for other people, remember that (drinking and driving, etc.). take care and hang in there

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