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All of a sudden tears arrive

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Crazy thing, I just dropped my kid off at a birthday party down the street and once I left I began crying. It's just me walking in our beautiful neighbourhood, it hits me like I've wasted so much on something that just won't work. It's been 8 months since my ex and I split, this is been the hardest year ever. I don't know why today I'm going through this. My ex told me a few days ago she is moving to another 4 Br house in town. It hit me a bit. I'm happy she's happy, really, and the kids will have what they lost again. I think it's best I love back to the city where I'm from. Sell this house, stop feeling sorry for myself and move on.

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It's tough living in close proximity to your ex. I don't know your back story, but if you believe moving somewhere new will help (new surroundings, new habits, etc), then it might help. Will you be able to still co-parent if you move though?

Ya, I live in a small town about 40 min away from the city where I'm from. As it is now I'm on the road with work. Co parenting shouldn't be a problem. It's time for me to move

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