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video game addiction

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Ok so I'm addicted to playing a video game, and I can't stop playing. I play 24 /7 and its having lots of negative impact on my life. For example, I have my finals starting from 23rd April and i haven studied all year and now I can't stop playing so i dont get any time to study . Am I doomed to fail or what?

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Is there any way that you can get rid of your video game equipment until your finals are over?


I know it's hard bud, I've come dangerously close to being so adicted to video games myself that I almost lost my girlfriend at the time to them. It's not easy, but like any other addiction, you have to try to distance yourself from it. Get rid of your equipment (give it to your friends, your parents, whatever) and take thinks one day at a time. I'm not going to lie to you, it won't be easy, but considering the alternative, it's for the best.


Good luck and stay strong!

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If it's an RPG simply give everything away. find something away from the computer you like to do. i was addicted to a RPG and my health was at risk... i just picked up a basketball and started playing again. just get your mind right before you try to study. if you go into studying with a crappy attitude you won't like want to study.

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Yea, its RPG . I've already moved the computer away from my room but I find myself going to my sis's room everyday to play it. Its reduced the time I play it, but I still can't study since I find myself thinking about it all the time when I try to study. The suggestion of giving all stuff away is a good one. I'm going to try this .

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I suffered from this, and Im all better. What I did was cut back to weekends only! Then, very quickly I got very uninterested and simply went cold turkey.


Just put very strict rules on yourself and go out when you arnt allowing yourself to play. Get someone to help hold you back. You will eventually realise that going out and being social, and doing your work is more worth it.

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Just try to get into your studying. Maybe play some music when u r studing. I would thing listening is less interestring than playing your videogames.


BTW........i know i should not as this but..........what's the name of the RPG?????? LOL

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  • 1 month later...

video games are like crack. i want some crack right now.

so i play video games like 7 hours a day on weekdays. I used to be cal-invite (link removed) for battlefield 1942 and cal-intermediate for counter-strike, cal-open for call of duty, cal-open for day of defeat. Now I play MMORPGs Anarchy Online and Guildwars and shooters Brothers in Arms, Halo, and Day of Defeat all day long with my real life friends, and im still going to a good college where im gonna learn to make video games, just gotta manage your time, do stuff when you have to, the video game will be there after. and i said weekdays because i go out on weekends.. dont let the video games suck you to the computer instead of real people or you will suffer alot of social problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Its name is link removed. Why shouldn't you ask?


man . . . u put a link to the game in your post . . . geez . . . u want other people to get addicted to ! ! !



You gave the stuff away. That's great ! But what's to stop you from getting addicted to another game ! It takes self control man ! Say to yourself "i'm only going to play for 2 hours" and do just that.

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Hey man Im going through the exact same problem right now. I have picked up alternative activites myself to keep my mind off video games, the guitar for instance. It's been about a month now (pats self on back). Everyday is your goal. One by one and I find myself slowly, but surely, thinking about video games less and less. To start studying now do what inspiration suggested and find something that you enjoy that isnt video game related and then study for a little while. Another activity I've picked up is, getting up early and go for a run every morning, then come back and treat yourself to a nice breakfast. This, more then anything has helped the most. But running is not everyone's cup of tea. 10 years of my life were dedicated to video games and then won't take another year of it. When you find your mind straying, get up drink a glass of water and head right back into the studies. You can do this!!!!!

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