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I read lost in my own world's post and it brought me back to a night when I had the weirdest experience.


I was in bed with my girl friend when I suddenly woke up....I checked the time....it was 2:10 am. The strangest feeling came over me and I had the desire to talk to God, so I got down on my knees and started praying....I was raised in a christian home and believe strongly in God and the bible.....so I started praying, just talking to God about everything. When I was finished I became still preparing for my meditation....I do Yoga and meditation is a huge part of my life......so while meditating I started to cry, my entire body started to shake, my heart felt heavy and all I could say was...'this can't be right"...I kept saying that over and over again. I cried until I fell asleep.


I just can't shake the feeling that being in a same sex relationship is wrong......but i can't just decide to stop being a lesbian. I tried for yrs to be straight....it didn't work. I wish to God I were stright, then everything would be easier, but I am not straight...I am a lesbian....I like girls and that will not change.


Have any of you guys ever been in this sort of situation and how did you come to terms with your sexuality vs your religion??????



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Well, I've never had an experience like you described, although I have had issues with my sexuality vs. my religious beliefs. It seems you had a very physcially reaction to what's been going on in your head. But it seems more psychological to me, because it was all you had on your mind and I don't think the shaking would've happened if you were thinking about something else. I think you are putting yourself under a lot of stress and you just need to relax for a while before you start sorting out anything.


I went through a couple of phases when it came to religion. At first, I decided that God didn't exist because how would a God that created me tell me that I was wrong and bad. But then I realized it wasn't God telling me I'm wrong, it was other human beings. The Bible was written by men, and I wasn't (and still) not very sure how much God had to do with it. For me, it's a big stretch to believe that God inspired men to convey his word with little understanding of the human condition. So, it's not God telling you you're wrong, it's the people in your life who are telling you that and it's their voices that are haunting you.


I understand that you believe in the Bible and stuff, but try to form your own relationship with God, w/o all that stuff, and see how it turns out for you and only you. Don't consider what others may think or say. It's all about you and God. Also, I want you to think about the basis of the anti-homosexual Christian stance and if it's the Bible, look at who it was written to and intended for. I'm not trying to turn you atheist, but despite what you've been told, it's ok to question things that don't seem right in your religion. God gave you a curios mind and you should use it.


I hope you find some peace in your life, because if you let this get to you, you will not live a happy life and that would be a sad thing.

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Hello Kere,


I have been raised in two completely different households (first one being christian, next being muslim), and I understood that all religions do have a common code of conduct. Although I have no conviction and only do believe in a superior power above, I am certain that religion, by setting a code of conduct, does influence us to be better people with certain moral standards, thus creating a better society.


Religion, in its purest form is essential for spiritual growth. But after having witnessed all the wrongdoings in present time as it has been throughout in history, I no longer believe in it. Worse, religion is having a hard time following the advances in societal formation. That is why you're feeling like an outcast. Alas, in no way am I suggesting you become agnostic or such; that is up to you. Just try to remain as a genuinely good law abiding person who is also helpful to those needy in your society, true to yourself and your sexuality, and you will certainly qualify for heaven regardless of your religion.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i've never had that sort of experience... but as for the sexuality vs religion or combined with and so on...

i'd say it's just a matter of misinterpretation and/or finding loopholes.

i was raised in a severely christian home as well... i guess i could say i still am, but.. yeah. that's just odd. so.. i'd get where the whole "wondering why god would do this and that" is coming from. so.. i've come up with a few theories.. laugh about 'em, think about 'em.. whatever ^^

1: i'd say that god put people on earth kinda like lemmings, .. like .. living normally, but in a part of their minds, when they see too many of each other, they let out a chemical to poison themselves, to lessen the population... so they don't become extinct too quickly, just in case there isn't enough of a predator around. people obviously don't have a real predator out there, so.. i thought maybe something began happening in people's brains, to change something in their minds, (not all of them mind you.) and instead of killing themselves, just.. not to be attracted to the opposite sex. it .. would cut down on the reproduction rate a bit ne?


2: god put us here just to add some color to things. it just so happens that with time, as populations grow, so do we. lol people just notice more nowadays.


3: ..? hm.. other than that, i wouldn't worry about it too much. it's not like god's going to give you a gene that makes you homosexual at birth and just.. damn you on the spot. it's just another thing that makes you special ^^ like how some people thought birthmarks were evil, or different colored skin.. but the skin thing's a bit far, and .. i'd rather not delve into that too much. ^^; god loves you ^^

as for the bible... well, it's been re-written so many times, editing so many things.... i wouldn't trust it completely if i were you. many quotes that people try to use are misinterpreted, and used for the wrong reasons.. just because people are..well.. always desperate for evidence. i guess the only thing you can do is just.. believe. lol

and if that doesn't really cut it for you, .. well... i've been taught that religion is kind of like a road to heaven.. there's different roads, but they'll all take you to the same place. every (well.. most anyway) religion has the same stuff in it anyway - one main leader, a bunch of main helpers, and a place they live and prosper and whatever, that people are supposed to get into when they die if they've lived a good life. you see that in christianity, in muslim stuff, in jewish stuff, in greek stuff, in roman stuff, in viking stuff, even egyptian stuff.. there's always similar characteristics. i'd say focus on what makes them all similar, and just.. go with that. believe in every religion, in a way, and you'll have the roots of what you're.. (or at least i think so) supposed to believe in.


i don't think your sexuality really matters when compared to your religious beliefs, because either way, it doesn't make you a bad person. (unless your sexuality is like.. necophiliac.. and involves killing something..o.O or like.. some sort of.. pedophilia..stuff... and yeah. another thing i won't go into too much.) even then, there's ... stuff to counter it, and i haven't looked into it. so.. yeah. just.. ignore that.

^^; sorry it's so long, hope i helped a bit, or at least made you smile.

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YOu can't make yourself become straight anymore than I can make myself become gay. Christianity does not ban being gay. It bans homosexual sex. Thus just stay away from the homosexual sex and you will be fine. Its not wrong to desire to do wrong...its acting on those desires. Thats true of all religions, and even for atheists. Its not wrong to want to hit someone. BUt it is wrong to hit someone. Its not wrong to want to do drugs. But it is wrong to do drugs. I don't think you can make yourself straight. Just stay away from homosexual sex and you are all clear!! The desire is not wrong, the act is (for you). There is stuff I desire which is wrong too...as long as I don't act on those desires I am fine!!!!!! Same for you. Good luck!!!

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...what.. the hell. was that mess? that's like saying, you can grow fruit in your back yard, apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, jack from will and grace, you name it.

but you can't eat it.

i mean come on.

"you can look at de pretty fruit, but remember, fruit are peoples too, so even if you're starving to friggin death, you can't eat it."

that's just cruelty in a box man.

this one isn't going to be pope, just a regular joe! er.. .. josephine.



alright. i'm sorry. i.. er.. leaf. ^^; silently.

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