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Ideas for Plantar Fasciitis

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Hee'all there,


Hey. Like, it's not that I've not gotten advice, professional foot treatment, home-herb therapy, etc. for my foot. My foot has been healing, but still hurts and keeps me from doing the high-intensity aerobics I need to lose the 20 lbs I want to. (Hey, no laughing...I mean, I'm told that you can't tell I've gained 20 lbs, okay? )


Okay, okay. I'm doing light-impact aerobics, pilates, free weights, alternately. Anything other than recumbant bicycle hurts the d*** foot! Ouch! ..sorry


Hey, does anyone have advice other than what I'm doing and have already tried? I don't want to go back to the podiatrist because he'll shoot my foot full of steroid and who needs this? Well, as last resort maybe.


I'm doing Lobelia and Mullien decoction compresses, which are excellent in like reducing inflammation.


So, anyone else have any more ideas? Gotta lose; gotta run; gotta go! Go! Go!


Nerd #2,


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  • 1 month later...

CALM DOWN AND LET YOUR FOOT HEAL HELLO sorry about that but that's what you need to do get off it and stop the exersises that place strain on it. You can walk around and such but don't do any heavy exercising until it heals properly the continus strain on it could be what's causeing it to heal so slowly so take a break and let it heal. Eat healtly durning this time too and all the time actully that will supply your body with what it needs to heal. Keep from straining your injured foot as much as possible until the pain stops. So what if you gain some weight that's normal and you can lose it once your foot heals.

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