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Asking out complete strangers

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Hey all! I was wondering what everyone thinks about asking stangers out. For example, at a bar, or in the line of a supermarket. Is this a terrible way of approaching someone? The only thing you're going off of is physical attractiveness. Any cool stories would be appreciated.

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Try chatting them up a bit and then see if you can get their numbers... and go from there. I think this is the best way to get something started.


You ask out a complete stranger and it might look desperate, and kind of "weird"


Good luck

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muneca is right. just tonight alone i was approached by these 2 guys while i was at work & we were chattin it up & they bought me a drink afterwards (i work at a bar). they are best friends at college but they both thought i was pretty cool b/c as i would walk past them id make smart*** remarks to them or said something funny to them...or hey who knows maybe they had their mind elsewhere. lol never the less, they invited me to their table after my shift. we chilled & chatted for a while, and they were interested in me it was pretty obvious. (the one told me when the other was away from the table lol.) and i told them theyre really cool & when we're all back in the city we should all chill etc. very casually. they got my digits etc...the key is to be friendly not desperate.


yes people go by physical attractiveness AT FIRST no matter where they are...at school, on the bus, in a bar etc...and yes its what gives the initial push to approach someone. we dont see a person sittin there & say 'wow ya know this guy/girl looks like they have a really genuine classy personality....shucks im going to go over & talk to him/her.' lol NO they say 'hey shes pretty hot lets go over to her' or shed say 'damn hes pretty cute lets go talk to him.'


but for example the more the 3 of us BSed they must have said to me 'holy crap you are a GIRL & yet youre so CHILL its awesome etc..'...so its not ALL physical ALL the time. once you get past that physical stuff, and they get to see what youre all about, thats when its usually a hit or a miss. if someone is hot but dull & boring, or conceided & kocky then youll usually find a way to blow them off...but if their personality rocks as well as having good looks to you, then a friendly flirty approach could lead into something else....a friendship or hey maybe even more...who knows.


but speaking from a girl's point of view..I, AND MOST OTHER GIRLS, HATE BEING BLATENTLY HIT ON! its the ABSOLUTE WORST!!!!! some guy today walked past me & said 'NiiiIIIIiiiiIiCCeeE" i scoffed at 'em & i was so ticked off ...like what the heck are girls to you???? are we strictly here for your visual pleasure?!?!! NO GET A LIFE! keep that crap & those comments to yourselves!!! do us ALL a favor! approach us like people....not like objects.



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Gawd.... it's worse in the UK, people are so up-tight, closed off and have more hang-ups than an insurance salesman!

At best, if you try and ask a stranger out here, or even talk to them innocently, you'll get a funny look or slap, and told to 'pee off'.

At worst, you'll be accused of being a rapist!


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Asking someone out right after you met them is rushing things a bit. YOu need to take time to get to know the person, and let them get to know you. Its likely that if you live in the same area, you will see that person again. So just be friendly, and wait for a chance encounter when you will see that person again. Be friendly again, and SLOWLY get to know someone. Rushing into a relationship can result in heart break!!!!!!! Be slow, be yourself, and have fun!!!!

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