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just when I thought I was over it, I have a dream about her

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Well I thought I was finally over my ex, I mean we have not spoken in


three weeks. Our last conversation was not that great, I felt like she was


telling something that she did not mean, just so she could hear herself


say it. Read my last post if you want the scoop. Anyway last night I went


to sleep, and each time I would fall asleep, I would have a dream that we


were together, and it was great. When I got up this morning I felt really


bad.... I mean sometimes i just miss her.... how much longer will I feel


like this. I just want to move on and be carefree again...

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I've heard it's about a week for every month you spend together. I should also mention a friend of mine took 4 years to get over a guy she dated for 3 months. Each case is unique.


You need to find you own way of "sending them off". Some people drown feelings in sex, others burn all the things that remind them of their ex, others still just seek friends to hold them when they need a shoulder to cry on.


Hope this helps.

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heretic is right. each and every person is differrent in getting over their ex's. with me i still talk to my ex sometimes but it just seems that it is pointless. do what you have to do to keep yourself from doing anything that might mess with your head. making a right decision is what will make you move ahead and not in one spot. i hope that you get through it and it will take time to let it go. but see it this way it will make you stronger and more smarter to what comes ahead to you. take care.

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The dreams are normal and will eventually stop. I think it's your brain or conscience testing you, by taking you through a very painful moment (being with your ex again) and then bringing you to reality to cope. They're just part of the "getting over her" phase. I'm sure a lot of us have had them, I know I had them.

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I had a relationship where I was deeply in love with the girl, and when we broke up, I was ready to kill myself.


I used to have dreams about her all the time where we were together, and I would wake up and want to cry. Because I knew that when I dreamt about her, I would have to eventually wake up. So I wanted to fall into a coma so that I could dream about her all the time.


Well She wasn't worth a coma. At the time to me, she was, but not now.


I had a dream about her one night....where we were back together and I was holding her. All the suddon I was shot in the side of my head, and I died. I then regained consciousness with my shooter. The one who shot me, was another version of me.

I interpereted the dream as me finally letting go of her. And sure enough that was the truth.

Just be patient, time will pass, your wound will heal. The scar may never go away, but it will heal.

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