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The french kiss is advanced affection technique. I will attempt to describe the ancient Chinese scripture which is very dynamic and helps all forms of body movement.

You must have strong legs, for they are your roots. Once you have become one with the ground, you keep that hard steady base central to your attack plan. Make sure there is no room between her breasts and your chest, because that is one point at which there is a large energy transfer.

When you make contact with her oral, you must insert your tongue with force. Do not worry, because you do not have enough control over your chi to do any damage with it.

You will find that the chi that goes into her oral will travel downwards and cause a chain reaction in her body. Her breathing will become disrupted and her heart will beat faster. Then she will become wet and ready to have children.

As you can see, this technique is very useful. You may owe your very life to these ancient techniques.

Do not worry, you will accomplish much.

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