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unhappy in love

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hi everyone, I was wondering if someone might be able to help me with a few problems I'm have been having with my boyfriend. Lately, my boyfriend seems very onesided, like he is the only one that matters.I try talking to him, I try staying cheerful but it seems like he doesn't want to spend anytime with me or do any thing fun. It's like I'm just around to be there and that's it. I don't know what could be going on with him but it's getting annoying and I like to go out and do things and I wish that he would spend more time with me. I would be happy just talking, but it seems like he doesn't even want that. It seems like our relationship is always going from hot to cold and I have even told him that I think he is being mean, but nothing matters. It seems like everyone else in his life is more important than I am. Sometimes I do feel close to him, and other days I just want to run. sometimes I wonder If I'm asking for to much of him but I just feel so unhappy.

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If you're unhappy, and you want to change things, then no, you are not asking too much of him.

Not that he has to make you the center of his world right away... but a girl has to be treated with some respect, and shown love.


I can tell this is really hurting you... you need to tell him that. Call him, and order (yes, order) him to listen to you. Tell him exactly how you feel and what you want to change. If he truly wants to be with you, he'll respect that, and try to change his ways, so that both of you are happy in the relationship.


If he doesn't care, you're better off without him.


Good luck!!

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