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well i have this major problem and i have been depressed ever since theres these 3 guys ok i like all 3 of them and two of them tells me they love me i love both of them and the other one just hasn't said it yet cuz i don't know but i like all 3 of them its just i don't know wut to do the first one who tells me he loves me hes sweet and nice but i don't feel anything when he says it but when the other one says it i feel it i have known him for 3 months now and hes just now saying he loves me i feel it when he says it but im like so depressed over this i don't know wut to even do i tryed to think it over and i just can't seem to do it i mean im lost and confused and all i do is cry now i don't know wut to do so i would like if people would reply cuz i need some answeres and help to make this big choice that i need to make soon thanks i would appricate all the help i can get

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Well all that I could say is follow your heart. Ok look you said that when the first guy says he loves you, you feel nothing for him but all that you think is that he's sweet and that's about it. Now you also said that the second guy said that he loves you and when he says it you feel something for him. All that I could say is follow your heart. The second guy might be your choice. Only your heart can tell you the truth follow you heart see where it will lead you.

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if i were you, i won't choose any of them, so you see i've experienced that, what i did was i take time and asked them to court me, bec.as i can see you are confused and unwittingly you are afraid to lose one of them...don't rush on things, who knows if someone really loves you right??just take time and get to know them more..ok?

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i would hazard a guess that you are still quite young? in this case, date all of them and then come to a decision..'love' is a strong word to bandy about so effortlessly...so if they do love you like they say,let them prove it (each of them). then pick which one gives you the more butterflies in your stomach,if they do at all. GOOD LUCK 8)

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