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I really like this guy but I need advice.

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There is this guy that I really like, but I don't know him very well at all. He's a friend of my older cousin's and I'm at their house a lot to hang out with his (my cousin) siblings. I've liked him for quite a while and it just feels right when I see him, but I don't know how to let him know that I like him. He usually raises his eyebrows and gives me a smile when I see him, does that mean anything at all?


Basically what I really want to know is...


Guys-What are the best subtle-ish hints for girls to give you to say that we like you and want to get to know you better?


Girls-What do you do/say around a guy to make them get the hint that you like him and want to get to know him better?


I've tried to just flat out tell him, but I've always been shy about matters of the heart. Please help me if you can.

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Stare at him deeply until HE looks away, then smile when he looks back. Very important. Also, you can **accidentally** rub up against him in a friendly way when walking by, and then smile at him. Whatever you do, don't tell his friend to tell him you like him or anything like that. If you play it right, he will be the one who can't take it any more and will have to approach you. Oh yeah, one more thing... BE CONFIDENT!!

Good luck!

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The whole rubbing up against him, yeah it may be a turn on for him. Prolonged emotional moves may put him to the point of where he can't take it anymore. But, if you're pressed for time, Just tell him. What's the worst that could happen? He might say, "Oh, well that's nice, and you're a really nice person, but no." Well he might not say exactly that, but you know what I am saying.

And that will allow you to move on. Unless you find that this guy is really a keeper, then you might want to get to know him no matter what.

But remember, don't give your body to him. That's the only thing guys think about. And There's no telling that he will love you after sex. That's the insecurity I have with women. Yes I want sex, but I don't want the girl to have sex with me, just because she thinks it will make me love her.

I want her to give herself to me, because she wants to.

in short...be patient, it will happen if it is supposed to.

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