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I know that I'm a lot more apathetic about things due to my depression. Or, I think it's my depression. Me being apathetic has made me more promiscuos, etc. I no longer even know what I want. Even if I try to think about it. Hard to believe, but I really don't know. Finally, I met a guy who didn't know I am the way I am...he's like that too. Just does what people wants, and that's all. What does it mean? Or, why am I, and other people like this?? Just doing what people want, not caring, not feeling anything either way, just wanting whatever it is they want. I couldn't change back to wanting something even if i tried. Please reply.



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Well if the guy does anything for everyone that kinda seems to make him desperate. That makes him a "nice guy" which from the way I see it, it isn't a good thing. This depression is hammering your self-esteem. If your religious either start being or start developing a good relationship with God and ask him how you can overcome depression. Nearly everyone at your age has depression, so your not alone. So anyway, pray to God about overcoming this apathy, hope you get better .

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wow its been a while since ive talked to you. ok well you know i used to be the same as you. i dont know what made us like that but i know it is possible to change but its not easy. i had to give up everything. i made new friends new hobbies everything. a hobby is the most important thing you need a hobby otherwise youll be doing what everyone else wants you need to find something that you like. that you enjoy. it could be watching movies or playing music just anything. and as dumb as this sounds just center your whole day around that one thing. look forward to it. the thing is you have to want to change. the way i used to live wasnt "bad" it was just so melancholy, like watching life pass by in front of you like your living outside of your skin and your not really even there your just watching. that wasnt living though. i hope this helped you osme PM me if you want (please!)


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Are you receiving treatment for your depression? If you are clinically depressed you should be getting meds and counselling.


Is there anybody you can confide in: friends, relatives, school counsellor?


Be very careful if you are promiscuous. STDs, pregnancy will not help your depression just make it very much worse.


You are a valuable human being, the world cannot afford to lose you, so get treatment and help. If we all need each other, then you have to contribute your part as well, and you can't do that unless you are well.

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