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The Death of Love


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Here's one I wrote a few years ago...



The Death of Love (For Sophie) [November 2002]

I truly fell in love with you,

Yet my gentle nature would

Not let me tell you how I felt.


I cried inside, and too

Salt did fall outside, because

My feelings came from within.


For two solemn weeks,

I endured purgatory - constant

Wondering of what you really felt.


In my soul, all I could

Believe is that your feelings

And thoughts were of me.


Yet, in my mind, my

Natural pessimism sentenced

Our chance to doom.


Beyond our first tender

Osculations, empty messages

Were all we seemed to share.


In the second week,

I drove myself to madnesses'

Brink trying to reach you.


My courage had been eroded

By such terrible unreturned

Love in the past.


I couldn't bring myself to

Press that button which

Would connect us.


Yet late at night, I found

Strength from somwhere,

To finally press that button.


I was disappointed, for

My brave efforts only

Found myself listening


To a feelingless reproduction

Of your voice.

Stupidly I felt hopeful.


"Tomorrow..," I thought,

You would answer, and

My bravery would be rewarded.


The day came, then the evening.

And again, I felt fearful.

But I found strength again.


Once more I valiantly pressed that

Button - and waited. Yet my connection

Was nothing but diverted.


One last message I send

To you, telling you clear

Of my quixotic intentions.


But I receive no reply,

Until the most dreaded

Words of another.


Immediately, I rediscover

The age-old unfairness of Love.

Another which deserves you


Not, posesses your affections.

Perhaps my love was too

Slow to reach you?


Or maybe I fell for a

Flagitious trick.

I feel nothing now, though.


This cruelest unrequitement,

Would ruin most souls -

Dante himself would have cried.


Yet, I feel nothing.

Anger has left me, so too has love.

Am I in denial?


Agony surely, I should feel.

Tears should be running down

My long afflicted face.


Someone else's similar

Pain, would have driven them

To the end of life.


Yet, my ambivalence strangely

Betrays what I have felt - the

Death of Love...

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