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I need more social energy

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My question is: What are some of the ways that you practice maintaining a positive, lively and sometimes exciting personality? What helps? Better sleeping habits? Reading humorous books? (not jokes, but let's say a witty novel or bio from a comedian)


I want to be a better conversationalist, and it's happening..somewhat. I keep learning (but not abiding by the rule) that in a lively conversation between friends or peers, the way you bring your message accross to others can determine whether they'll vibe with you or not. When I talk, sometimes I almost sound like a semi-dead person. I've rarely had moments where I laugh at my own witty sayings. I am not trying to be THE funny guy in my class or work environment, but rather someone who is more personable. Not everyone is a funny guy..


I am literally surrounded by "energetic speakers", people who will tell a story in such vivid detail with enough genuine emotion that draws everyones attention to him or her. Also, surrounded by alot of positive thinkers, who are able to talk about their problems, situations in a easygoing way. Then there are the laidback types..who have that talent of talking to strangers as if they were both friends from way back. I need to do more of all, if I'm to be successful at making stronger friendships.


Any suggestions on what I should do? Besides taking a class? I'm not suffering from depression or anything that's affecting me healthwise, I just wish to have a more people-friendly personality.



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Lean on your strengths. Whether it be your humor, your intelligence, your honesty, etc. People seem like good conversationalists because they are just being 100% them and nothing else. They don't have to even think about what they're saying. They just go with the flow. I need to practice this myself so don't worry.

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