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I want to try again!

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Hey everyone


Read almost all your posts (takes a while u know), but I'd appriciate it if someone could help me out!

well here goes... My ex and I where together 6 months, not as much history or deep connection as 12 years i know, but it still meant alot to me and to him i'm sure (i was the girl she been with the longest and he used to say that I was the person who had ever given him the most love - maybe just talk i don't know)! We only broke up a week ago, but I'd like some adwise on what to do now?I really want to try again!


Now I know we havent always been really good - we've argued alot especially lately! But, maybe I'm being naiv here, i think we still have a chance! But he doesn't want to give it another shot - he said he had enough and we're just too different! And maybee we are but i'm just not ready to give up yet! I miss him so much! I really do love him and he said that he still loved me too, but it just wouldn't work out! I've learned alot about myself these 2 months and realized what I could change in our relationship, but i guess i was too late!


Now I would like us to get back together, but my situation is a little more complicated so I don't think the plan will work! First of we live on the same shcool with only 40 other people! so we will have contact because it would be impossible not to! thereforeeee the dating other people would not work either because there are no other people around! We only have three months back on this school so time is running out and when it's over we'll go home and seeing that we live in different countries it's not like we'd just run in to eachother!


The part about acting happy is what i'm doing these days, but it doesn't seem to work! He basically seems as if he's already over me! He can talk to me, but it's like i'm just another one of his friends! He just seems so happy! I would love to go and talk to him about wanting him back, but that would just make me seem needy and desparate, and that's not really what i'm going for! Could you guys give some advice???

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Okay, so you guys are from very different places, and in a couple of months you will be too far away from eachother to keep the connection you may have thought you had. Although you do go to a very small school together, I think your approach should work, just keep your head up and maybe he'll come around. And if not, when you go home, you'll definitely meet other guys.

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