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Sex Tips


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Girls what are some things that drive you crazy. Positions certain spots or whatever. Guys do you all have any advice. How can I hold out longer. Do girls like guys with hair all over or should I shave or what? Do you guys have any links that would help. Soon my first time and I don't want to here any of that stuff about if they love you it wont matter. We don't love each other, we just think we are both extremely hot. well thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey..well i think you and your gf should just have fun exploring all differnt things from her on top of you to the 69 position...highly recommend it, if u don't have much of an imagination there is always the kamasutra great ideas and positions that are incredibly awesome. having hair?...i preferebly like guys that are shaven it's pleasing to look at and also easier to give good oral. oral sex is great just take your time and enjoy it. i'm not a guy but i heard that a penis c*ck ring can help you hold out longer cuz it keeps the blood in your penis. well that's all the information i have so just take care and have fun.

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Please dont shave.I'd personally not like it,it'd look weird.Its recommended to trim your hair a little bit though,specially if there's gonna be oral sex involved.As for the positions,if its your first time doing it then I think you on top would work best,but if she has had sex before then maybe she'd want to be on top which is ok to.I dont think you should be doing a lot of stuff the first time you have sex you know,I mean,a lot of positions and stuff,just get together and learn and take it slow.But I too think you should talk to her and ask her.Its always important to communicate.

And dont worry about not lasting long enough,its your first time! and plus,I was my bf's first last year and the first time we made love he lasted more than enough,I was actually surprised,so you might not really know how long you're gonna last.

Good Luck.

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