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Signs of courtesy towards a girl


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Does showing signs of courtesy towards a girl in class you don't know very well (but have a crush on) come off as being plain friendly or more than that?


Like if she's shivering in her seat or acting cold, taking off your coat (if you're wearing one), stand up, walk behind her and wrap it around her, then saying something like "Here, use my coat. I don't need it right now and plus you seem cold" (even if you're cold yourself). To me that seems like a big plus for a girl in that kind of situation.


Or if she wants a piece of paper give her 10 pieces of paper.


What do y'all think about the whole courtesy thing?

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And what would be the smoothest way to get the coat back (at the end of the period, which for me with her is the last one of the day) if she forgets about returning it at the end of class (unlikely, but you never know)? You wouldn't want to say, "Could I have my coat back now, please?" to her up front. Something smoother perhaps?



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I don't think most girls would run off with your jacket. But I would ask her, "Are you still cold?". If she replies with a yes then I suppose you could lend it to her for the day if it's not too much of a problem. But I see most girls appreciating the initial gesture so they would give it back to you. Although you could insist on her holding onto it, like if she is clearly still shivering or cold and wants to give it back to you, then that can score you even more points.


As for the courtesy thing in general, it definitely helps in terms of good impresions. As long as you don't come off too eager or desperate to tend to her needs, then everything should work out fine.

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o, courteousness most defineatly wins brownie points, i can vouch for that. Even if say the girl says no to your jacket, there still is the fact you offered. As to how to get it back, I'd say wait till she gives it back, thats a good sign of how much she appreaciated it. Also, make sure you have some good smelling deoderant on, such as Axe, that way you'll get a complement of how good you're jacket smells.

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Be careful, you don't want her to put you in the dreaded "nice guy" category right away, like someone else said, don't over do it. I've been nice to girls I've liked in the past. The ones who appreciate are worth keeping as friends, or pursuing something with. Those who don't are not worth your time. Keep in mind that don't everyone knows how to respond to kindness, but I'd say...see how she reacts, and that will tell you whether she's a keeper or not. Also, you won't win her affections only by being nice, you have to create and maintain that attraction, smile alot, flirt when possible. That way you can show her your personality as well as your attraction towards her.

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