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2 girls kinda confuzzling me.

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Well two things here. one which i've asked mates but dont really understand.




my ex recently has been talking to me a lot more. boefore it would be me starting themsn convo's and stuff but recently shes been doing it a lot. and when the conversation died she randomly said 'guess what, i bought a hat'.

so i thought i must be back in again as we are goin to the same college next year(we currently goto diffrent schools and live 15 miles apart). then she tells me she has a bf.(thats the first one since we split up 5 months ago)

ah even since then she has contiuned talking to me more. this really confuzzled me. like i said ive asked mates(inc one who is like her best friend) but they just said that she wants 2 b friends. but we never really talked before so why has she started now? also i sent her a letter sayin how i felt basically and im not sure if she got it but if she did then she's ignored it becasue we've talked since but she didnt say anything.




there is also one of her friends who ive been texting quite a lot (about 100 msgs in about a week ) and from that i got the impression she like me. but ive never actully met her so on sunday we went up to london with a few of her mates, one of which i know and she is trying to set us up(she didnt it to me last time with the my ex above), but when we were wondering around(shopping for dresses) we didnt really talk much.

i've been told shes shy but she didnt seem that shy really.


so what should i think? is it because we were out with her friends maybe? i'm gonna try and see if we could go out togehter. i did before and she said yes but her mum wouldnt let her cos she had work to do.



so what to do? i think(hope) that im gonna start goin out with the second girl and see how things go. but i dunno wot to do about the first one cos im still in love with her.

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Ok so if she's your ex, then she does like you, she has a bf so when you went out with her friends and stuff to meet her, it doesn't work. I've asked out girls and they won't really tell you how they feel around friends. It's some stupid reason, I haven't figured it out though but if you want to get some answers pull her away from her friends or with any future girl. Oh yeah and were you with any other girls while your ex was with your bf? That could be some jealousy that she has probably from your relationship. That is if the relationship between the two of you was a good one. It's pretty obvious she likes you probably due to a boring relationship with her current bf. Well some obvious signs she likes you is #1 the frequent talking: Ex: at the end of the convo guess what, I bought a hat" that's pretty easy, and in person or over the phone check if she sounds nervous while talking to you. and girl #1 if she's friends with girl #2 then its jealousy. Girls like to show off there guys to other chicks. And she was shy out with her friends yeah definetely. But overall man, just go with the girl your more interested, you can go out with em both ways they both like ya.

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right that's kinda confused me no offence.


reading my own post thats kinf confuzzling as well.


lets simplyfy.


girl1 - my ex, has a bf(since a few days ago), seems like she likes me, going to same college next year.


girl2 - think likes me, possibly shy, friends with girl1


i went 2 london with girl2 and a few other ppl but girl1 wasent there.





and i dunno about her being bored, this started a few weeks ago and her and her bf are only just goin out.


although jealousy at a party girl1 got hold of my fone and read a lot of messages from girl2 and probs saw the the entire inbox was full of messages from girl2


hope that clarifys things a bit

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Sorry if this sounds brutal (it always seems as though i'm being brutal on this forum...):


My take on things:


Listen to your guy friend


girl 1: just wants to be friends with you, but really loves the attention you used to and are continuing to give her. Maybe she wants to keep her as "her guy" or one of "her guys", kinda like a harem (I've had this with one girl despite never going out with her). Stop giving her that attention.


girl 2: probably likes you, maybe she is being loyal to your ex. (her friend, correct?)



confuzzle me that...

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