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ex and then some......

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Has anyone ever in the history of breakups, despite unhappy breakups and the good ones as well,


Did you ever get back with your significant other in your lifetime? even after the



what stopped you in your tracks if you said no? or what made say I do?



just inquiring .....


not that I want that with my ex I would not take him back if they put eels in my panties to force me otherwise

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Yeah I did.


It was a big mistake. That's not to say that's always the case.


My guess is if your partner is emotionally or physically abusive (mine was emotionally) then it's best to stay apart.


You will find new love and it'll be better then the one before. Not that you'll ever forget that person you spent 5+ years of your life with.


Just try to remember the good times and forget the bad. That's the best advice I can give.


I hope this helps.

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I was with my boyfriend for three years, broke up with him for almost a year, got back together and have been happily married with two beautiful children for five years. Breaking up was actually a good thing for us because we both saw what it was like without eachother and we knew for sure that we were much happier together.

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I too had been with a girl for a year or two. Loved her very much. We broke up for about 4-5 months, little to no contact at all, and then we slowly got back together for 5 more years. We both felt we were missing something while apart, even though we started dating other people.


So, yes it can work. We did eventually break up of course, and i eventually met my current EX, but if I had to do over again, I would cause those 5 years were some of the best years of my life........


After the 5 years, I had a chance to get back with her, twice actually, but it just wasnt meant to be.

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Yes, I have, and sadly it just never worked out. My ex and I are both very passionate people who have brought each other to heaven and to hell, and he became more and more verbally abusive as the relationship progressed. Both of our emotions are very tangled in each other right now so I've enacted a strict no contact policy to give myself time to heal from this. It's very difficult when you love someone, and your heart says one thing while your common sense and brain scream another.


To answer your question, I love him very much, but taking him back is condoning his abusive behaviour and I just can't allow that anymore. So that is what prevents me from considering taking him back again.

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No I haven't. We considered it briefly but knew that if we got back together we would just go through the same problems. But honestly I would probably give it another chance if the opportunity came up. I'd be really scared of getting hurt again since he was the one that broke it off, but he really needs to be single right now, and that's reality. He's on and off in my city, at school for one term, then working for the next, so it's really not the ideal situation for a relationship... especially to start one up again.


I still love him with all my heart and if there's a day that we cross paths and come into each others lives like that again, then sure I'll go for it and see where it takes me. But that probably won't happen... despite that I know I'll love him forever. You're never gonna forget that person you spent so much time with.


good luck

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I still love him with all my heart and if there's a day that we cross paths and come into each others lives like that again, then sure I'll go for it and see where it takes me. But that probably won't happen... despite that I know I'll love him forever. You're never gonna forget that person you spent so much time with.




this part is so true

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