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Contact or no contact.

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Just curoius as to what I should do. I was friends with this girl who well I fell for. Anyway she and I stayed close friends, however it beacme a somewhat of a love hate relationship in a way. Now the problem is that I asked her and her bf, really whoever to hangout once in awhile etc... Now she would either say no outright or just blew me off. So I kinda got the hint, so when i pursed the prolem to try and correct it, well it got worse.

I emailed her asking what is going on with the "friendship" BTW she knew for awhile before this how I felt. Anyway, I didn't geta response, so I then waited for close to a month and a half. I emailed her after not seeing or talking to her in that time. My email just said I understand she is angry with me and all I would like to know is why. So I got back that I am being to pushy, which I didn't buy only beacuse I asked her once in awhile to do things and if I didn't she would get funny on me. (catch 22 thing for me) Then she said that I don't know her at all and sorry for everything. There was more to it, but basiclly I felt she was blowing up on me. So emailed her back defending myself and (I know I shouldn't have) but wrote yeah I guess I really don't know you.

So after sending it I wanted to unsend and try again to smooth things over. Well I wrote a new one saying sorry and lets try over... well she delted it, then I tried one more time and that one got delted.

But what gets me is how close she and I were, we confied in each other in everything, we were almost best friends. And yeah I mean I really was in love with her (and think i still am) I just don't see why over tow years of friendship and trust is gone, when I didn't do anything, she would be the last person I would ever hurt or whatever. I never tried being more then a friend or anything like that. So i want to try and at least email her once more just to I guess just say my peace, but I don't want to be seen as desperate or stalkerish, I don't know what to do.

Any advice is welcome,


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Leave her alone, move on. You tried contacting her a zillion times and she hasn't show you any good responses. You said that the friendship was good for two years, but people change. At this point, if there's any contact at all, it should be initiated by her, not you. Go out and find a new friend, this one is gone.

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