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Does This girl like or Not?


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Ok this girl i had her in my class and i am really shy but i would look at her and she would be looking at me and would turn away quickly.

Now i dont have her in my class but when we pass each other in the hallway she sees me looking at her shes then turns the other way and runs her hand through her hair.

then this one time there is this glass window and when we passed i seen her through that glass looking at me. Does she like me and if she does i think she wants me to approch her. but i dont know how to without sounding dumb with what i say. So can i get some help?

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Next time you see her looking at you and she looks away, you look away for a minute then look back at her and if she's looking, smile at her. Not real big but give a slight smile and see what she does. Usually a girl will look away if she likes you and if you smile at her she should smile back and look away too.


A good way to start a conversation is if you have a class with her. Maybe pretend like you don't understand something and let her explain it to you...If you don't have her in a class now, the next time you see her, go up to her (do not procrastonate) and say something like "weren't you in my " " class?" and if she responds with "yes" then just talk to her about anything cuz she remembers you. If she says "i'm not sure" or "i don't know" or "probably", then just be like "yeah, i remember you. you were in there." then proceed to maybe ask her what kind of classes she's taking now, etc...once you get her talking to you, it usually just flows.



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Definitely go up and talk to her! It seems like she's showing some interest. =) The people above gave great advice -- just be friendly and don't think about her as someone you're interested in. Just be casual, and don't stress yourself about it. You're just saying 'hi' after all, right?


Take care,



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