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Seeing Auras....

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Oddly enough, I was just talking to someone about this yesterday.


I do believe in auras. I think for most people, it isn't seen directly, but its sensory. Notice how when you're around a healthy, happy and well-rounded person, you pick up on that vibe?


From what I've read, it's especially common for babies to see auras. Im not sure why. Lol. That's all I really know. Lol.

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I have a special gift of feeling auras. It's hard to explain, it's like all of my senses open up in a peculiar way, and I can actually feel things radiating off of someone. Like sparks of energy or particles or ... I really dont know how to describe or explain it, except for the word 'vibes'. On rare occasions, I've felt auras so powerful they literally encompass a whole room, shooting upward in various geometric fashions. I know this must sound so weird. I really wish I could explain it better. I feel a lot about people by being around them, this is not exclusively auras, and rarely are my 'sensors' or instincts wrong. I do doubt myself sometimes, which usually leads me into trouble.


I have to admit that I am a bit devious about this because I can get along with just about anybody, simply by feeling out their aura and putting my own in synch with theirs. Does that make sense? I am a definite observer who infiltrates many boundaries and groups almost seamlessly, a social chameleon, if you will. I never do this with harmful intent. I enjoy being around a wide variety of people.

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Hi Sugarsweetness. Hmm. When I was younger (below 10 years old), I was considered very mature for my age and made pretty good judgement calls on character. From age 11 until age 13, I started to recognize my own gifts more. I went through a sort of unexpected spiritual transformation and fine tuning throughout these years, and the end result is what I experience now. (I am 24, if you were wondering). It wasn't something I learned persay, but more something that came to me over time.


It is very strange ... I find that people I barely know tell me their deepest secrets a lot of the time, within just a few short meetings of each other. I try very hard not to abuse my gifts, but it can be unsettling sometimes. I've experienced other things as well, almost like a power of foresight, but when I sit down and actually try to think about it or explain it in verbal terms, it ends up boggling my mind as well.


I have no idea if any of this makes any sense, I hope I don't sound too much like a babbling looney.


But yes, I believe strongly in auras because they are a physical energy I can literally feel permeating around people. I don't know how much with science this agrees with, it is certainly something I can't really explain in scientific terms, but there you have it.


A bit off topic but, has anyone seen the film, "What the #$*! Do We Know!?" It is a film based on quantum physics and might help explain some of these strange phenomena more elaborately, at least in more scientific terms. I also highly recommend this film for anyone undergoing their own spiritual awakening.


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