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bench pressing

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Ectomorph should lift heavy, 6-7 rep range.

Try 3 sets. Add some weight on the last set if you want.



Meso/endomorph can do build up/build down sets.

Start with 80% max, then work up to 100% (just try 1-2 reps here), then back down to 80%. Do this in 10% increments (5 sets).


Both help with toning.


Lift heavy/small rep to build lean mass.



Remember that the goal of lifting is to break down muscle tissue and rebuild it in a stronger form. Lifting for 2 hours every day will not get you anywhere.


Eat and rest.

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yeah in football the coaches always made us do conditioning for a few weeks before building. We always did 10-10 sets at a lower managable weight. you want to find the weight were the last 2 set are pretty hard. Then add about 10% weight until you are doing lik 5-5 sets or even 3-5 sets.

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Ok a few quick question. Imstarting to work out after like 3 months of not and im woundering if im starting off right.


Im 6'1, 160lbs. Im thinner since im 6'1 so im trying to BULK up.


Im benching 5 sets of 5 reps of 160. Am i doing the right amount of reps on bench press in order to bulk up or not?


I am also not sure if i should workout everyday or workout every other day. Which will get me the fastest results?

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To increase your benchpress you need to train other some other specific body parts which are involved in the lift, if you strengthen these secondary muscles then you will find your benchpress increases. You should train your glutes, quadriceps, abs, triceps and deltoids. Also, train your back by doing reverse dumbbell flyes (training opposing muscle groups has been shown to help quite a lot).


I reccommend doing 2 or 3 sets of 8-10 reps, you should do these at around 75%-85% of your one rep max. As for timing, i like to use 3 seconds lowering, 1 second pause, 1-2 seconds lift. Most people find timing difficult at first so if you have trouble with it then just lift how you normally would.


User203. Working out everyday is not reccommended, it does not allow the body enough time to recover and construct the new muscle fibers that it needs to in order to improve strength. In other words, lifting every day could hinder your strength rather than help it. The only time you will see a person lifting everyday is if they are working on a split routine.


Lift every other day. If you like, on the days you are not lifting you can take part in lower-impact activities such as swimming or basketball. Remember: muscles are not built in the gym, they are built through proper rest and nutrition!

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Yeah i knew that stuff but i keep thinking to myself that if i work out everyday i will see results much faster. Honestly though won't i see faster results if i workout everyday?????



So will i actually see less results if i work out everyday or what? Im thinking i should workout monday-driday then take sat and sun off. Does that sound like a good plan?

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Yeah but besides just feeling better about yourself because you know u trained well last night, isn't there SOME kind of positive to working out everyday? There has to be something good about training everyday, isn't there a (little) more development and muscle growth....?

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No, of you lift weights every day then your muscles will take longer to develop compared with lifting every other day. As i said before, you can lift weights every day if you are doing a split routine (i.e. not workoing the same muscle 2 days in a row). An example of a split routine would be:


Monday, wednesday, friday: Quads, Calves, Triceps, Chest, Delts

Tuesday, thursday, saturday: Biceps, Back, Hamstrings, Forearms, Lats


If you work the same muscles every day then you are not giving your muscles enough time to achieve hypertrophy, instead they are constantly being worked and so have no time to form the new fibers (which over time will lead to increased strength and mass).

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