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Should I continue talking to this girl?


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Yesterday in one of my University Modules(Classes) there was this girl sitting opposite me but to the right, so she weren't directly facing opposite me, if you know what I mean?? Well anyway I caught this girl staring towards me multiple times, I was too shy to give her a look, I could feel myself shaking due to my Anxiety, I thought to myself "I bet she's thinking I'm an ugly loser or something" but I caught her smiling a little bit. A little bit later on in the class, I caught her looking again, and I gazed back, and made eye contact with her, what's strange though is that she didn't look away, she just continued looking, she maintained eye contact with me.

After the class I had to talk to the lecturer/teacher, and she was one of two people who also stayed behind (Coincidence probably) and when I was talking to the teacher, I caught her looking again.


I have actually interacted with this girl once during the first week (which was 2 weeks ago) because one of the classes, we had to get to know certain people, and she was one of them, and we seemed to talk pretty well, we were talking about Music, our course, favourite TV shows etc, it lasted for 5-10 minutes, but that was the only time I talked to her. What should I do?? I'd like to talk to this girl again, I just feel so nervous haha


Update for today - The girl who kept looking at me sat by me in class today, there were loads of empty spaces, and I was saving an empty space for my friend, but the same girl asked "Hey you don't mind if I sit by you do you" and bear in mind that there were 20 something empty seats. We talked a quite a bit, just general conversation, she seemed to always right at my eyes whenever I was talking and she seemed really smiley, and she said bye to me and everything.

Shall I talk to her next week?



I've only had 2 conversations so far, so I don't want to rush into getting her number yet, I've just made so many bad choices with women that I want to be a bit cautious. Also this girl is not in many of my classes, only like 2 a week.

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She will be in class right? Get to know her, see what kind of a girl she is. What's the problem?


She definitely likes you, it's pretty clear.


Once you get to know her more......ask her out for coffee, hang out for a bit, if it goes well, proceed to a date.


Move your move sooner rather than later, I'm SURE plenty of guys are eyeing her as well......

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She will be in class right? Get to know her, see what kind of a girl she is. What's the problem?


She definitely likes you, it's pretty clear.


Once you get to know her more......ask her out for coffee, hang out for a bit, if it goes well, proceed to a date.


Move your move sooner rather than later, I'm SURE plenty of guys are eyeing her as well......


In University I have 6 Modules/topics covered in my specific course, and she's in about 3 of mine, so I only get to see her 3 times a week.

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