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Too Many Kisses, No communication???

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So, just when I'm thinking things are going great my girlfriend tells me that she thinks we are making out too much and we aren't communicating well.


I don't think we even kiss that much, once every few days we make out. I feel like she doesn't want to kiss now, and I feel like I might have just forced it on her(she has NEVER initiated it.) I guess I'll back off, but I really like kissing, haha...


I guess what I want to know is how can I communicate better? I talk to her at least twice a day, I just I just can't figure out what I should change cause she doesnt seem to know either...


ahh man, now I'm all bummed


Any input will be appreciated, thanks!!

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Talk and do other stuff. Talking can make you feel a lot closer than kissing a lot of times. Then when you feel closer, the kissing and stuff is better too. Try talking on the phone a lot if you cant keep your hands off each other. Then when you are together you can kiss and stuff, and you are still talking to her and getting that part in too

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