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Am I more than a friend to her?


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I've been meant to post it for a while, but I think i'm just over-analyzing things. I've been going out with this girl for a few times now, and we live in different cities. Whenever we are alone, she would cuddle with me the whole time, and we can walk and talk for a long time. We even spent a night on the same bed, and we just cuddle and hold hand the whole night. (we know we're not ready for sex yet). She would write emails saying how she enjoy getting to know me and all that good stuff, but short of saying anything more serious.


How can i gauge how far in is she interested in me? Does she has any doubt? How can I tell if she wants to take things slow? Thanks for any advice.

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Well, you've been out with her on a few dates already right? or just hanging out or whatever you did. So one sure way to find out if she likes you (and PLEASE do NOT ask her!!!!)...is to try to kiss her.


Next time you cuddle with her, it will be the perfect time. Lying there, talking, then just kiss her. If you don't feel confortable going straight for the lips, kiss her on the cheek and pull away and see her reaction. If she looks at you and you see her facial expression is good, then go for the lips. Good expressions: any smile, blank look, starring into your eyes...Bad expressions: well, you should know what those are lol.



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You can't be nervous! Trust me, a girl can tell and they don't like it. It's weird. And I know it's hard to not get nervous, you just do. And no matter what anyone tells you dude, guys GET nervous. Just some know how to not show it. 8)


Next time, since you've got the first one out of the way. Take it slower. Kiss her lips, hold it there for like half a second. Pull away, then do it again and this time open your mouth and if she's receiving, she'll open hers too and there you go. You, obviously, don't have to go all the way with it, but at least it will help clarify things for you.


but, seriously, if she kissed you back and if she cuddles with you, i'm sure she likes you. and if she didn't she'll tell you.

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think of it like this.....do you cuddle with your buds? no if your straight. Trust me she at least is attracted to you and chances are you could start a relationship with her. Just keep doin what your doing and next time your with her make another move at kissing her and try to make it more intimate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reminds me of my situation. Funny -- she kissed me first and afterwards, she said -- "I've been wanting to do that for so long."


Chances are, she wants to kiss you just as much as you want to kiss her.


Just cuddle together while watching a movie or something (I was watching Frequency)...make the move...she'll love it.

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