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I'm Not Sure If She's With Someone Else and I Want To Ask...


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To those who have followed my recent topic about a girl called Nicola, well I have given up, because 1.-They now have friendship/promise rings to make their bond even bigger. 2.-There is another girl in our course who I feel is a good friend.


At this moment of time, I have been friends with this girl since we started. Her name is Kelly, she comes from Ashford (which is about 20 minutes drive from my place), she's 16 (same as me), but I'm a little paranoid that she is going out with someone. She says that she's single, but the last time I asked her that was last December. What I would like to ask her is: "Would you like to come to the cinema with me?". As part of the mobile tariff Orange, I can get 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1, so I thought of Kelly (asking her out on a date), but I'm suspicious that she's going out with Jamie (and I'm going to see him today to ask him about something else in general).


Feedback? What do you think I should do? What would YOU do? Thanks greatly to whose who reply with helpful posts.

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Do not ask her as a friend, when it's a date to you.


Who cares if she's seeing someone else? You don't know it for a fact (unless what you're asking is are you stepping on a friend's toes).


Tell her you're going to the movies on X day to see a great movie you've been wanting to see, and would she like to come with you.


If she likes you she'll say yes or counter offer with a day that works for her. If she doesn't, she'll say she's busy that day or just "no thanks".


If she's sort of seeing him but wants to go she'll say "but I have a boyfriend" or whatever it is. You say -- "that's okay, I don't mind sharing, and it's just a movie -- will he get upset that easily"?


If she's really seeing him, she'll say no, she has a boyfriend.

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I agree, if you see it as a date or want to see it that way, then do not pretend it's not!


Ask her to go with you. Don't make a big deal about it, just ask her and see what she says! If she says that she has a boyfriend, then just let it go if you wanting this to be a date!


If *YOU* want it to be just a time out with a friend, then that's okay, but be sure what YOUR feelings are and what YOUR intentions are...

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