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I love her, she love me not

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I fell for a girl...i have told her before but she rejected me saying I am not her type....that was more than a month ago..


We are best of frens, but her body language does not matches her word.

i can feel she does miss me when i do not message or call her..


but why is it that she reject me outright....is there anymore hope??

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If you've been around long enough you obtain wisdom. If you don't feel love, move on. I hate to be brutal but life is too short to wait for someone to come around. Express your feelings outright then move on if her response is wrong.


There are many out there who would want you. Keep searching.

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Its OK bud!! Its not the end of the world. Atleast she said that u were not of her type rather than taking u on a wild goose chase only to ditch u in the end... the pain would have been immense.

Now, i think the best move would be to compormise with her and tell her that u will be a good friend and well wisher. jus stay as frens for some time. who knows!!! she may realise that u r really her guy after all!!!! BUT the main point is both of u be mature abt it and remain frens.... then u never know........



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If she says she isn't your type then that's a really nice way of saying she just likes you as a friend. She obviously doesn't want to hurt you so you should just try to forget about going out with her since you can't make her like you if she doesn't like you. Mabye someday she will like you but for not she doesn't. Just remember that there is plenty of other girls out there and all you need to do is find the right one. 8)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i really love her so much...

was asking her yesterdae why so bad about me she dun like..

and saying if you dun know how to appreciate me, someday someone will


what can i do ??? if i wait for her to change her heart, will it do

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