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I personally don't agree that masturbation is the healthiest thing. I try sooo hard not to NOT! Just kidding. LOL LOL. I have a way to deal with my natural drive: I'm married and have access to a man's bod and visa versa. Oh yeah! Ahem....pardon me.


Anyway, better that than have difficulty getting throught your day. I can't really help you with toys because I've never used them or had them. No, I really haven't. But I'm not surprised that you are getting bored.


So, to answer your question with a question, would you consider just doing another activity and conserving your energies? Would you consider more exercise or sports stuff so that you don't have to focus on taking care of screaming bodily needs? I mean, if you're bored, this might be an indication that it's time to invest your energies elsewhere.


I am not making fun of you. I just would like to suggest that you use your brilliant brain and mind and physical energies to endeavor in things that will make you strong and healthy, ready for marriage so you can have all the free sex you want and may need when the time comes.


I know, I didn't really help you that much. Sorry; but please think about what I said?



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Lol well.. I don't really wanna wait till marriage seeing as im only 14.. i know im jsut going thru one of them phases but oh my gosh i need sexual activity.. wen i do sports i jsut think more about it.. its weird really.. sometimes ir eally don;t wanna do it but i do because i eally need it...

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There are a few simular topics like this and the same stuff comes up everytime.. if you want to get more out of Maturbating, be relaxed and think sexual thoughts.. thats all i can think of really..


I also agree with Caldus tho about keep ya self busy so you dont have such an urge to.

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I'm really glad that you're becoming more comfortable with your own body instead of having sex at your age. Your urges are very natural. I don't know if you can get your hands on some toys, seeing as how you are young. You have to be 18 to buy a lot of toys. Hmm... I don't know... search the internet to see if you can find new techniques. Try mastrubating in the shower.

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Wanna come knock on my door? I will show you things that toys wish they could do.


I am just kidding.


Masturbation boring? Never heard of such a thing... perhaps you just need to kiss some boys and have some fun... that will get some of your sexual tendencies out... but hold out, its better... trust me



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