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Quick Spot killin

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Hey, just a quick post for anyone in the UK really as its about UK products..

What is the best and fastest wrking spot cleaner, i am hygenic and spots really annoy me.

currently usin Oxy brand wipes which are ok but my face seems to build up an immunity after a few days of these creams/pads etc.


Any ideas. i need to get em cleared asap really. wanna look my best by friday.

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Try Clearsil (blue liquid) it's extremely good! also there is a tube cream of clearsil (I haven't tried yet) that works in 3 days.


To be honest I tried blackhead clean and clear and it was useless! Might work different with you. Becareful it stings your face as well.

Witch Hazel is great to tone up your skin!

Well hope this helps!


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Quinoderm. You can get it at your local chemist. It's very strong; after one night of using it, some spots I had had faded noticeably and it can bleach fabrics. It can cure extremely severe acne and blackheads and is much better than all those silly face washes, lotions, creams and wiping pad things.


Edit - You can also get it at some supermarkets and make sure you don't put too much on your face or else it will dry your skin out and make your skin tight and sore! You only need a little tiny bit.



lmao, "can bleach fabrics" wow, i cant wait to use it on my face

i may look into both of these things.. Got a rough price guide for the Quinoderm Stuff?

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