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body language and communication

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"If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman."


OK, I got that..but what are some real-life examples where you're using your body language and communication dually? Within a social environment like a spoken word open mic party? (i just attended one on Friday and although there was lots of women there, I didn't know what to say or interact when the lights turned on after the show)


Also, I am observing how this guy is opening up to women in the class. Anyone who passes by his desk, he makes a comment about them and they smile. It's not something corny like "Hi!" It's more like, "I see that you're pretty relieved to get out of here". What's the best way to communicate your observations to a girl without risking a negative reply from her?

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Honestly it depends on the girl. Some can find a witty remark out of place, and others will enjoy it. See if, even for a few minutes, you can spot if she's fun-loving or not. And if you can accompany it with a bit of a cheeky look perhaps, you could just convey you like her. But do watch out to see if the reaction is awkward or shy...and back off a little. If it's a hostile reaction...get outta there!


Some of my friends find some of the things guys say and do when I'm around as harassing but I'm more of a flirty personality. When (and it takes me a while) I realise a guy gives me a line, I'll respond back in a flirty manner if I"m interested. I reckon the best 'body language' to accompany something is a certain look that just says 'I like you'.


Good luck!




PS...I'm sorry if you weren't meaning in an 'attraction' sense but it's in the forum so I assumed.

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Well, even if a guy's looks aren't up to my standards, I can find myself as slowly being attracted to a guy who is...DUM DUM DUM DUM, you guessed it, *confident*. Now, how do you use body language to show confidence?


Well, when you speak, don't go "um" or "uh". Smile smile smile. It's hot, as long as it's not a creepy perverted smile. As everyone always says, *be yourself*. Iknow it's hard since I myself can be a little shy around guys I like, but a girl can easily tell if you're trying to impress her. If you're a goofball, be a goofball! Some girls love that. If you're not funny, don't try to make funny jokes. Again, girls can tell. It's scary really, how well a girl can see through a guy's personality when she first meets him, unless he's some mega-smooth-playboy.


Stance-wise, never cross your arms when talking to a girl. Stand up straight, shoulders back. Don't lean against anything or slouch. And eye contact eye contact eye contact! If you want to radiate sexy-ness (haha), the eyes are the way you do that. Just make sure your eyes are on her's and not on her body, or you will be radiating creepiness more than sexy-ness.

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I think it's a turn on when guys have asked me about interests and want to talk. Humor also works. Show interest; girls love attention and to be taken care of.


Compliment a dress, saying they look beautiful. A warm strong touch also is good if done with respect. Eye contact. What do you like about yourself?


Confidence and compliments that are genuine. Relaxing and showing you're a secure person. Be intuitive as to comments in passing. Sense what you think each individual girl would respond to.


Be genuine; be yourself. Relax and enjoy the process.



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I'm just looking over past posts because I haven't been here in months, so sorry if I'll be bumping a few...but I just wanted to say congrats, this is the best advice I've got on here from Enotalone re. flirting, and I've been here for about half a yr now...


This should definitely be bookmarked. =)

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