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swollen gland on inner thigh

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you have lymph nodes on the inner thigh, in the groin area. I am not certain if a yeast infection could cause it; I don't think so. I would go to the MD...was it the MD who diagnosed you yeast infection? If not, I would be concered that whatever caused the infection is also causing you node to swell too. When you have an infection, viral or bacterial, your lymph nodes start shooting out lymph and WBC's to fight the infection, and sometimes they themselves can get infected. If you're taking an antibiotic or anitfungial med, that could be an issue as well, as these things can kill ALL of the bacteria (even the good stuff your bod uses to fight off other infections) and this causes a supeinfection (yeast infections can be caused by this as well). At any rate, I am just a nursing student, I would strongly recommend you go to the clinic and have it looked at, and they'll maybe draw some blood to see if your WBC's are increased...if they are, then you're prolly fighting some sort of infection.

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they can go away if the infection is minor, like a little bacteria or stress...forgot to mention that stress can cause the lymph nodes to enlarge as well. usually if the nodes enlarge, it's in response to something; it's an immune response to something not right. I guess what I would say is if in doubt, see the doctor or nurse practicioner. I mean, look at how you feel: do you feel ok? Do you feel tired, dragged out, sucked of your energy? If so, then go to the MD, ASAP. If not, maybe wait a few days, maybe over this weekend to see if symptoms develop, or see if it's still inflammed and enlarged. If it's not...call the clinic and run it by an RN (you can usually talk to them over the phone w/o going in unless they feel you should come in) if you begin to feel crummy, or it's still enlarged, then it would be pretty important to get yourself to the clinic. Like I said, my little disclaimer here I am just a nursing student. Not a doctor or even a nurse yet...so this is just what I recalled from physiology. This is just what I know, go to someone who has a certificate or diploma hanging on their wall!

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