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While I was walking out of school today...

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Hello all! Zidane here. I got a quickie...


While I was walking out of school today, and i went through the junior high wing, an 8th grader's friend walked up to me and out of no where is like "Hey, my friend likes you." I had no time to talk so all I really said was "riiiight.." (cuz i HAD to get to baseball workouts.)


From what i know about this person that likes me, she's not caucasian like i am (err however you spell it) and has the thing for rap... And im not a fan of that type of music. If the person and i are having a relationship, musical interest is a big thing.. My ex and i loved the same kind of music, and were together for almost a year.


What should i do?





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I say at least meet the girl. She deserves the chance to *try* and win your heart.


I agree with the music thing, though. I don't listen to any particular "type" of music - I just love music. When I go out with someone, I don't discard them because they listen to pop or country or [insert genre] ....but it irritates me if that's ALL they listen to. I like it when people branch out. I like to branch out with them.


You might find that this girl likes rap AND the type of music you listen to. You might find that this girl likes has the exact same taste in movies as you do. Music is just *one* thing you could have in common.


I understand that you are selective (you should be! or else you'll end up with a creep or it's doomed from the start) but don't write off people without ever meeting them. She could be the best thing that ever happened to you.


Or maybe not.

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Is the rap a problem or is the race/color and issue? Dating outside of your "race" (notice the quotations since in my eyes there's only on race, the human race but that's for another discussion) is a big thing in the world and ESPECIALLY in the "open armed loving " land we call America. So if you're having 2nd thoughts about this b/c of her color then I'd suggest just leave it alone as the relationship wouldn't last since it'd be weird for you and for her since you may be more hesitant around her.

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