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Heres the situation


Its kind of long so I am going to break it down as short as possible.

I girl who I liked asked me to homecoming then on a date. We both liked eachother but I didn't know how to show it. We have gone on numerous dates and had a blast. We hold hands in the hallway etc but we dont consider ourselves gf/bf. I never kissed her our asked her officialy out like gf / bf and I thought she was getting mad at me. We both work and one day I told her to call me when she gets her break since I should have just gotten off my break. I was hoping to set up a date but she never called me.. Even though she said she would. I didnt talk to her the next 2 days but on MLK I called her. She said she was doing homework but she was avaible later and that she would call me when she was done... She never called though. I was pretty pissed. My friends said she was playing hard to get... Who knows. I kind of forgot about it and we ended up bowling the other day.


We had a blast bowling then at her house she showed me all of her yearbooks and then we played Halo Im horrible and I think she let me win but who knows. So i would say it went really well. She has been holding onto me at school etc but here is where I get confused. So I asked her a few days ago if she could do something today. She said yeah probobly. Well I called her afterschool and we were going to go watch a movie but she had to wait for her brother to get home. She said she would call me back when he did but she never called...


What is she doing? She seems so intrested but never returns my calls. What do I think? Does she want me to call her even though she said she would call me back? Should I approach her ask her what her motives are and say she is really confusing me. Thanks for reading this really long and garbled post but I am confused and need some insight... Thanks again.

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You said you both haven't "attatined" the bf/gf status - so just ask.

"Why did you say you were going to call, but didn't?" in a serious but sarcastic expressionate kind of way. Just ask her out to someplace you both would like to go, doesn't have to be on the phone - in person is better than phone/email/IM

Good Luck

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Thanks for the input. A few things. I ask her out in person but we kind of have to use the phone etc to make it final because we both work etc. Also I asked her why she didnt call me on MLK she said she is really bad about calling people back and that I should call her...... This makes no sense to me... If she likes me shouldnt she want to call me and make our date happen? Or does she want me to prove I like her in hope I will ask her out? I hate mind games. I saw her tonight at a practice for our school. We didn't talk much but she hugged me goodbye. Guess I will ask her what her motives are tomorrow. Thanks again.

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Well, I don't think she knows what she wants. If a girl is interested in you she'd call back. Anyone who wants something makes it happen. Bascially, she'd be knocking your door down if she wanted to be with you. I'd come clean with her and lay it out there for her. Ask her exactly what you want to know. Besides, what's the worst that can happen? You move on?



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