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how to get gf to open up to me and tell me things

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things like this will come naturally. i know you may feel as though becasue you've been togther for a while and she should be able to come to you if somethings wrong, but it can be difficult at times.


if i were to give you some advice, i think it would be to invite her round yours and maybe set some candles in your room and everything. make it a warm inviting room, bit romantic and get her to sit on the bed and stuff and sit with her and just hold her in your arms. i mean like hold her properly, let her lay on you and let her know that you wil always keep her safe and stuff. hold her hand maybe and kiss her softly on her forehead and stuff, just look after her a bit


knowing that you are there for her might help her to open up if there is somehting the matter


good luck


qt xxx

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