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omg!!!! what should i do? help!!!!

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there's this REALLY gay and perverted guy at my school and hes sort of a loner and has low self-asteem. My friends bet me thirty dollars and they promised to hook me up w/ this guy that i REALLY like. I've been dating him now for about a week and hes really sweet to me and stuff but i really dont like him!!!! My friends and i made a contract that said that i had to go out w/ him for a week and than break up w/ him. now they changed the period to 22 days!!!!! what do i do? i cant last that long!!! To make matters worse, if i break up with him, some of his friends said he will comitt SUICIDE!!!! what do i do?


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First off, don't call him gay. The man has a low self-esteem already.


Now, if the guy's nice to you and makes you feel special, why the hell would you dump him? What? Because of his looks, are they not good enough for you? Looks aren't everything, so you should focus to judge him by his inner soul. If you can't stand him because you think he's "ugly" then you will have a hard time finding the right guy later on in life. Trust me, this personal trait can bring the worst out of people.


Get to know him before you judge him. Maybe he's a loner and has a low self-esteem because people judge him before getting to know him. Don't contribute to that fact.


As for the suicide part, tell his friends that they should not commit suicide just because they are 'friends', and that commiting suicide won't solve anything, it'll only make matters worse in life. (If they what difference would it make, say things that his/her family will miss them and the school will as well, and if he isn't satifisied, tell them that you will miss him/her, even though you are not close) Also, tell his friends not to make the wrong judgement in life and end it early just because one thing didn't work out the way they thought would. It happens all the time, so tell them not to self-center on this issue specifically.


Now, back to the guy you're seeing. He sounds nice, and if he's nice to you, what are you complaining about? Think about the other people who have relationships and the guy treats the girl like dirt. Consider yourself lucky, not cursed. Get to know him more in depth, despite your first intentions.

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Needed...Why oh why are you letting your friends jerk you around for $30 and the chance to be with a guy you REALLY like? And then, since it looks like they might be losing their cash they jerk you around some more and change it to 22 days! Wake up! With "friends" like that you don't need enemies. Stop being a doormat and take control of your life by saying "NO." Your friends can only use you as long as you allow them to.


I think deep down inside you're feeling guilty for going along with this charade. You know you aren't being fair to the perverted one and there is no guarantee that the guy you REALLY LIKE will like you in return. Why don't you search your soul and bring some integrity into this mess. Follow your heart and do the right thing. Let the perverted guy down gently. You aren't responsible if another person commits suicide. But you can still be kind and respectful of other's feelings.


Consider this...How would YOU feel if you found out perverted friends had paid him $30 to go out with then dump you after a week? You'd feel used, cheap, and your self-esteem would be hurt too.


You have a kind heart, otherwise you wouldn't have written. Please...follow your heart and clean this up.

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That was a very mean and cruel thing to do to someone. How could you play around with this persons feelings like that;like you are God's gift to the world.You and your friends need serious help! But for right now, you made your bed, you have to lie in it!



P.S.- If that young man really kills himself, It will be your fault. To many kids die every day from low self asteem. Think before you act!

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If this guy is gay, why are you going out with him? Thirty bucks? That makes you a hooker, and a cheap one at that. A hooker who caters to gays. You have problems and you don't deserve the guy you REALLY LIKE.


So maybe this gay boy's no Heath Ledger, but honestly, who is?


And don't say Josh Hartnett.

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