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Help please before i make the wrong move

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well it's almost the end of the semester and I see my girlfriend everyday at lunch because i always have basketball practice after school and on the weekends i always have a basketball game. Im really really athletic that's why. well i have her in one of my classes next semester which is pretty good but i dont have the same lunch with her and i could never see her again what going to happen i dont want 2 continue like this because either me or her are going 2 start slipping away and i still cant see her on the weekends because of basketball and when im in class i want 2 finish my homework. PPL can you help me Please before i do something stupid

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posibaly cut back on basketball, if you can't do that consider invighting her to one of the games if she be intrested, try to posibaly make time maybe once a week to just be you and her. or even a good e-mail back and forth will keep the relationship going, but be very aware of her moods and how shes feeling. Don't worry too much about will it faid or not. let things be what they will be.


Best of luck to you



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