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Fooling around w/someone before your friend goes out w/them

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Here's the senario, please let me know your opinions:

Amy gives Paul oral. Paul (a couple of years later) falls for Amy's best friend Jill. Jill, who doesn't know about Amy giving Paul oral ends up going out with Paul for 3 years.


During the 3 years, Paul confesses to Jill about getting oral from Amy. Amy has never once breathed a word of this to her best friend Jill. Jill now knows that Amy gave Paul oral. She doesn't know how to feel or what to say to Amy...if she should say anything at all?


Do you think that Jill should confront Amy about this? Or do you think that she should just let it slide since it happened years ago and at that particular time, Paul didn't know Jill?


Do yuu think that Amy should've said something to Jill before she hooked up with Paul? Opinions please, Many Thanks!

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No, I don't think Jill shouldn't get mad @ Amy or question about it Paul and Jill wasn't dating that. Jill can ask you but if Amy doesn't want to talk about it thats her right bu i would thought if they are best friends Amy would had told her. Can I ask you why after all those years it matters now??

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I don't think anyone should confront anyone. I mean, it was the past. You can't change it. Paul didn't cheat on Jill or anything, he just told her about his past. It could have been anyone. It might have been nice of Amy to tell Jill, but I don't think it was nessesary. I only think it would have been nessacary if Amy did it while Jill was with Paul.


I'm sure if Amy knew that Jill and Paul would one day start dating, she wouldn't have done it. However, there was no way she could know. Of course, if I found out my friend once gave my boyfriend oral, I would feel sort of weird. I couldn't be mad, but I would feel the same way if he told me an ex girlfriend gave him oral. I think it would be normal to feel a little jealous, but it shouldn't be made a big deal out of.

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