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hey advice I'm gothic.


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Hey I just wanted to know a few peoples advice on something.

I have recently admitted to myself that I am gothic, now I openly admit that I am to friends and familey and school mates, the only problem I'm getting is that some people dont want to accept that, its like they think that becuase I'm gothic that I must like worship satin or somthing, which isn't true. I just want a few peoples advice on what they think about goths.

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Being a goth is completely fine. In fact just because you are a goth doesnt mean you worship satin in any ways possible. You can be a goth and believe in what you want to believe in, theres nothing stopping you - No one can silence your beliefs, nor take them away. If they cant accept you for who you are then theyre not worth your time. You dont need to listen to them, listen to yourself. Over all - You dont have to believe in satin because youre a goth, you believe in what you want. Satin has nothing to do with your beliefs, alike everyone else. Believe in what you want to, be yourself, theres nothing shameful about that. Be proud that youre a goth, I know for a fact theyre very nice people.

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Here's a rather informative website on goth groups/visigoth tribes that I found that was pretty good. Briefly addresses some of the misperceptions of Goth groups, and gives some history about Visigoth tribes from Roman times.


On a personal level, although I'm not Goth, my brother is. It took a long time for my super-conservative parents to understand that he wasn't some super-violent, depressed, satan worshipper wishing he were in Hell- or some such nonsense.


I asked him once about what fascinates him about Gothic culture and he said its about "seeing the light in the darkness and seeing beauty in ugliness."


He usually gives me hair advice too (lol). We're both asian so we both have long black hair. His hair is longer than mine and he keeps it cut to about his butt and is probably the most beautiful, sleekest black hair I've ever seen. lol But that's just a side note. But his hair IS revered in his local Goth community- mostly because it's natural and the deepest black that most try to achieve- but with hair dye.


Give people time and be patient with them. There's a lot of misperceptions out there. I know that a lot of the Goth community my brother hangs out with are actually very peaceful and make it a point to be non-violent. They all strive to show people "the light in the darkness and the beauty in ugliness"....


Try to do the same and learn more about your Goth culture so you can inform others who don't know and only rely on popular conceptions of what Goth is.

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Here is a quote that i think fits well in this situation:


"I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine. " ~Bruce Lee


That quote is basically saying that each and every one of us is free to be who we want, we each have the right to make our own choices and decisions and NOBODY should base their judgement of us on that.


If you are going to be a goth then good on you for making that decision and sticking by it! People are always going to have predifined opinions of others based on how they dress and what they look like, but you are not there to fit in with their way of thinking, you are simply being honest and true to yourself! Nobody can ask any more of you than that.

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LOL! I'm with Random! Being Gothic isn't a sickness or a mental problem. It's a style choice, more than anything. Sure a lot of goths have ceratin religious preferences that get frowned upon by society. But it doesn't sound like that's what your interest is. I'm assuming you're simply talking about the clothing you wear, the people you hang out with, the music you listen to... That isn't ALL the being a goth is about, but that's where a lot of it starts. And that's totally fine. IT is simply a lifestyle choice, and you should be proud of who you are.


People will give you crap. That's just how life is. The key is to not let it make you angry, or bring you down. Don't lower yourself to their standards. Keep being who you are and trust that it's all okay.

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thank you everyone thats the kind of thing I was wanting to hear, I know that I'm goth and I will stay me, but it dose get hard having to explain it to people over and over again. you know what I have to really say to those who cant except who I am. 0X , am I right.

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