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bRoKeN heArTed? rEad tHiS (iT mIgHt heLp)

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its tough when you lose someone you love...i know that. And sometimes is nice to hear some encouraging words that makes you feel a little better.


I kept a journal while i was going through my "heart broken" stage and i thought i should quote some of my thoughts and the lessons i have learned from this whole experience. So here it goes:


"if you just sit in a room and stare at the wall, nothing will happen. You need to get up and aviod drowning in your own misery"


"No matter how much other people try to understand what ur going through, they can only imagine....in the the end, you are the only one who is truly feeling the pain. The whole world is willing to laugh with you but once bad times roll in, you will cry alone and thats ok."


"Ive been keeping myself busy and pushing myself beyond the limit lines just to reach that moment of peace when i forget about him for a couple minutes."


"I can't keeo living through memories and tears, life is too d@mn short to spend time being depressed."


"the only way to heal the pain is if you stop picking at the scab"


"Thoughts constantly run through your head a million miles a minute and in the midst of all the chaos is the peace of mind that you seek for. Once you stop asking why what when and how, the answers surface and you have to look no more. Some things in life aren't meant to be explained...they just ARE and resisting reality can only cause more pain"


"When you meet someone new and no traces of the past shadows your thoughts, you have reached the end of it"


"life goes on no matter how bad things get...you cant let yourself get left behind"


"its a great feeling to find peace and comfort within yourself. I've never felt that way before."


"God! he broke me up and tore me apart. But i somehow managed to get back up and pick up the pieces of my life"


"I miss him at times and i think thats legitimate. Afterall, i truly love him and always will. We will always have the great memories of the past but the future is ahead of me.....not behind me. So its time to bounce out!"


I hope that helped a little bit. Just hang in there and remember that you are the only one who has the control to make things better.


If you need to let it out just leave me a message and we can talk things through...

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