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Want to go to another level...

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Ok I've been friends with this girl at my church for about 2 months. We talk in person and through AIM, occasionally texts. We are both very silly and like to have funny convos, i'm very random and spontaneous and she likes that I think. Well, its getting to the point where I need to always be random and I can never seem to initiate a serious convo that will turn it a notch. I like her, I like her personality and how she looks. I don't get nervous around her as much I used to be, but sometiems I think she likes me and sometimes she doesn't acknowledge me. She might be playing games with me. Because when I try to see if she'll notice me, she always nudges/punches me. Sometiems when we talk she doesnt' look at me, almost like shes scared to. I might be reading too much into this but on AIM and stuff she initiates convos all the time. How can I show her that i like her more than a friend is basically what i'm asking...what kind of topics can I pursue, my mind is getting pretty dry (sometimes i go blank when i talk to her and other girls in general) Thanks sorry for the long post hope ya'll can help

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Well if you are looking for topics to introduce to bring on the general idea, you can always ask that question that flirty kids do like "So who do you like?" That way you can find out if she has the hots for some one else completely AND you can bring on the topic of liking people. Most likly she'll demand the same question to you and in so on ull go in a silly convo about how u both like each other and no one has said it yet and then suddenly the right time well come where ull let it out and all will be well. Thats the way I see it, try it out.

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It sounds like she does like flirting with you but just be careful. You could be treading in that area known as "the friends zone". If you know what movies she likes or places she really likes to go, then bring it up and ask her if she'd like to either see said movie or visit said place. The best movie ideas are not theatre ones but released movies that you can watch at home. That's how my exgf and I got together -- we'd always watch movies at my place or her place and eventually we just started making out during one Don't be timid and beat around the bush about a movie or a place to go -- just be up front and ask her if she'd like to do that. If she makes excuses or asks if people can come along then maybe she's just viewing you as a friend. Girls seem to have that "desperate guy" radar built in -- they know when you're trying too hard.

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Thanks for the comments. At times, I feel like I have nothing to say and that my non-talkative nature will result in awkward silence. I would love to ask her out to the movies or whatever but I feel like it would be awkward and boring for her. Also I feel like sometiems I don't get the vibes that she wants to do anything with me. I don't know I'm jsut so confused and wish I could be more aggressive in my appraoch and become more ocnfident in myself. Jeez so difficult

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