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Not sure what to do


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So I met this girl in one of my college courses. I am a shy person so I didn't talk to her much during the semester, but I saw her at a concert one night and we talked for a long time. I felt like her body language and the things she was asking me seemed like she was interested. Unfortunately as we joined a group of our friends in the crowd I lost her and didn't ask her for her #


Anyways I decided to give Facebook a shot and I messaged her on there simply letting her know I could give her tickets to a show I was playing that she wanted to attend. She never responded because she never logs on Facebook and didn't see the message.


A few months past and I noticed she finally logged on and saw the message, but no reply. I saw her at school and said hey and she simply said that she loved the shirt I was wearing and was "jealous" and walked on with her girlfriend she was with


I feel a crazy connection and attraction to this girl even though we haven't talked much. Is she interested or does the fact she never responded to the Facebook message show that she's not. What should I do?



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She knows you're interested in her dude, that much i can guarantee. She wouldn't have replied because it was months later and obviously the message you sent was redundant at the time she read it and didn't warrant a response, i would think. Forget facebook, the only course of action you have here is to ask her out in person. Next time you are in class, you've gotta balls up and just ask her to go get lunch or something. Maybe try warm up to her in class, gauge her interest by checking if she's looking at you etc etc. If you really feel like she's interested (at least physically attracted) then wait until class is over and try get in a 1 on 1 situation, maybe as you're walking out the building. Just bring up something about class and let it flow from there, tell her you've got some time off between class and it'd be cool to hangout for a bit.


I've been in this exact situation, I had a girl in one of my classes and we had an intense attraction (constant staring) but didn't do anything about it for about 2 months, eventually I grabbed her arm as she was walking into the hallway and just straight up asked to come get lunch with me and she said yes, and we ended up hooking up for the rest of semester before she moved. She even said "i didn't think you were going to talk to me"


You just have to go for it dude. Good luck


Edit - I re-read and noticed you said you were a shy person, so this might not be the most appealing course of action. I promise you though it's the only way you're going to have a chance. Facebook might be the easiest and less nerve wracking route and therefore is very tempting but it's terrible for sparking things up with girls you're interested in. You gotta flip that "f*** it" switch in your head and go for it.

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Yea, I agree with Slater. Just go up to her and tell her whatever comes up in your head at that moment (even if it's lame). Doesn't matter, people don't remember what the conversation was about anyways (what you opened her with). Then just flirt with her a bit and ask if she want's to grab a drink at xyz time. Good luck!

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