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Need to see her more


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Hey, I've talked to this girl a few times; very brief conversations because of the situations. I think she likes me and I really like her but the problem is I'm lucky if I see her once a week and even then we don't really get a chance to talk. I just want to find a way to get to know her better but cause of the circumstances its really difficult, I don't know her well enough to ask her out so what am I supposed to do? Anyone else been in a situation like this?




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i wouldnt worry so much since u dont know her that well. just go up to her and say, "hey i think ur a great person and i would like the chance to get to know you better." remember, u dont even know her that well yet so its not really a big deal if she doesnt like you right now.

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Haha...wow....sounding so familiar. I would just say take the chance like everyone else says. It's no big deal...just one day when you're about to split up from talking, turn back and say "Do you have email or a cell phone, cuz I'd like to get to know you better..." , whatever happens, happens....but when you do it....LEAVE after you ask...do not stay and talk more, so make sure to do it right before you about to split up and go your own ways.


You want my honest opinion though....you can check out my post in "Asking Out For a Date"...."Asking out as friends" b/c I just posted in it. Your situation sounds so much like mine....just read my story and you might see my real point of view on this.

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