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Has anyone ever had this happen

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Ok, I was just wondering if there is perhaps a cycle to life. Lets just say that you had a first love that you have never forgotten. You got married and had a life apart from them. Somewhere along the way you knew you made a horrible mistake and divorced. Years later you run into your first love and the chemistry was still there Has this happened to anyone? If so was it a happy ending?

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My teacher said the same thing. She told me that you never forget your first love. She also told me that even though she is happily married if her first love came along and asked her she would still go with him. She saw him a while back and the chemestry was still there.

It's the same with me although I'm too young to have been married. I still love my first love and if he came to me and asked me back I would still go with him as I do still love him. You will always love your first love and if it's ment to be it will be.

Good Luck,


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My first serious girlfriend and I broke up over 2 years ago. We had stopped talking for a long time. I broke up with my most recent girlfriend a few months ago and ran into my first love. The chemistry was still there and now we're getting back together. Love is funny sometimes

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A real love is just that. Pure unadulterated love. You don't need to be around, you don't need to be in a relationship, and you don't need to physically touch them. Years later, remember Forrest Gump and Jennie, a person remembers the good times and that person will always be in your heart. It's like this, there are many types of love. There is the friendship love, there is the passionate love, and there is the romantic love. This I know, when you have all three going and feel it inside you ie. friendship, passion, and romance then you have consumate love. This love I"m afraid will not go away so easily. You will always remember this person for the rest of your life even if life leads you down another path.


Will you ever see them again though? Is this person the soulmate that you should have been with from the very beginning? Who here actually has had a reunion with their love years later and found that the fire and passion were still there, got back together, got married and lived happily ever after? Is this just fantasy?

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I guess I have to take the opposing viewpoint on that one.


First love doesn't necessarily mean true love. I have no warm and fuzzy feelings for my first love. He was merely a part of my life. I loved him at the time, but I moved on eventually. We won't be reconciling in the future, and I don't think that there would be any kind of chemistry still there.


It might be true for some, but I don't think "first love" is equivilent to "true love".

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OMG YES emma34,


That's a really scary thought actually - for those of us who are trying to get OVER the ex...what ur saying, and i could see this, is that person will always been in your heart. Looks like there's no hope for me then.


EXACTLY! it REALLY REALLY SUCKS to figure that out, but it's true. It was for me and probably many others out there... that they always will remain in our hearts, but that we learn to accept the break up for what it is. Kinda hard to explain, but once you get there.. youll know what i'm talking about.



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I got the idea for this topic after thinking about my own life and the show "Classmates" A show where they bring people together again after about 10-20 years. One where there was a secret crush, an old flame, perhaps someone needing forgiveness or even an unresolved relationship for years ago. So the topic is supposed to be about reunions of old loves or crushes. I don't know if many people have actually done the "reunion" thing themselves but I thought there might be some very interesting stories.

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