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Will i ever be friends with my EX :(

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I broke up with my GF of 5 years about 8 months ago. It wasn't a good breakup at all...in fact both our hearts were broken. She had a lot issues with me and how to trust me. I guess i did some things wrong (for the record it was not cheating, but other trustinf issues) and hurt her. When we broke up she did something that ripped my heart out...not going to go into it, but it hurt and she new it.


So all in all, the end of our relationship wasn't good. We hurt eachother and for some reason i think it has influenced the way we are now.

When we were going out for 5 years, we had the most amazing and special love for eachother. Such a connection and i thought she was the one. Now when i do see her (its hard cos she is in the same cirlce of friends) she ignores me, basically shows me no attention what so ever.

It has been 8 months and i have tried everything to work on a friendship.

We havn't gone out 1 on 1 since we broke up. I have seen her 1 on 1 only when she hurt me when we broke up. Long time ago, so it feels like times running out (growing apart)


She has a new BF, and that doesn't bother me much, but the fact that we shared something so special and now she can't even say hi to me kills me.


What should i do. I am thinking about it a lot. I have gotten over her coming back to me, but now its something else.


Why doesn't she show me any care at all. I have written her a letters asking why she is the way she is, but she doesn't reply.


When i see her out she doesn't come up to me. But i know she knows im there cos we catch eachothers eye and sometimes i see her looking at me. Im always the mature one who goes up to her and says hi, but its still very uncomfortable (only cos she makes it that way).



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