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ok i guess i want advice but more of just a place to vent and give up. theres this girl and weve been friends for a long time and over the summer we got really close over the internet, we were gunna meet (which wasnt a big deal cuz we've known each other through families). but we both left for long vacations before we could meet, and when we got back things just sort of died, no one at fault. we still talked but not in a special way ne more. she started dating my best friend ( which isnt something new to me, happens to a lot of the girls i like ) but this time its so hard to see them together, but i cope, and id rather see her happy and move on. we talk a lot, we talk about her relationship with him. he is a goodboyfriend, but he has trouble keeping a strong relationship which is what she wants. its been working out for 3 months now, with my help

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