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Just me w/ Jealousy?


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Alright so heres the thing - My girlfriend of around 4 1/2 months now, shes been acting quite strange recently... whenever I see her - (to me) it's like shes trying to avoid me or something... she goes up with her girl-friends everytime I see her.

Say for example, A group of us [2male(me+myfriend) and 3 girls (her+her2friends)] are walking down the halls, she starts to go forward more with her friends and most of the time...

and today, when I said "Hi" to her while passing her in the halls during switching of classes, she just looked and passed me... and my really good friend (not the one in the previous scenario) asked me if somethin was going on, and I responded with doubt "I don't know... it's like shes ignoring me or something..."

She hangs around my friend alot more than me. I've been meaning to speak to her seriously on our relationship but we are always around friends and all so I couldn't get it off my chest...

It's like shes serious around me and just fun around my/her friends... She didn't used to be like this around a week ago...


EDIT: Ok so I've talked to her on MSN (yes I know it'd be better if I told her BEFORE in person or phone but...) heres how it went:


Me do you hate me or something..? o_O

Her WHY?! ...O_o

Me I don't know - just seems your acting strange recently, I say hi to you in the halls and you just look and just pass me

Her oooooo well usually when you say hi it's as you are passing and by the time i realise that someone is talking to me you are passed and then i say hi and you can't hear me...lol... i'm not doin it on perpose...


ooooooooooo sorry brb

Me kk..

Her haha i am trying to brown some beefs... but that means that i have to stand there for the whole time...lol i'll be back in like 5 mins... LOVE U DON"T FORGET

*Some minutes later*

Her: there... hey

Me Hey..

so it's like that - I probably should have said this over phone or before but you know, there are always too many people around and such. ya know - i can't pretend that i don't care;;

*Some more minutes later, while I was downstairs eating*

Her: hahaha when you get back read my Live Journal...(you need some time reading it)... HAVE FUN N KEEP SMILING!



And so I read it, but the only sentences that involve me and her were:


"hellsh yesh AND NO (myname) I AM NOTTTTTTTTTT mad AT you... i am mad ABOUT you... there"

and at the end she wrote



I'm still not sure...

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